5 Incredible Secrets That Will Make Your Doctor Feel Ashamed
You must be bored. Because you’re reading this. Or maybe you’re tired, and random web twaddle is lulling you to sleep. (Works for me, sometimes.) Or you’re just killing time.
So you might also click on:
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s 6 Mind-Blowing Whitewater Rafting Secrets
15 Troubling Secrets Your Attorney Will Never Admit
I do it, you do it, birds do it, bees…(Cue the Cole Porter tune)
And there ain’t nothing wrong with it. “it” being browsing, surfing, wandering from one catchy, not-really important headline to another… It may even be exactly what you need to be doing right now. Down time. Absolutely a reasonable and good way to spend your time right now. Or maybe…
Maybe what?
What pops up when you think about what you might be doing, where you might be, HOW you might be, if you weren’t clicking on random web headlines? Did you just should yourself? “I really should be getting the garage cleaned…”
Or did that simple question make you suddenly feel full of possibility, and in fact, you already shut your laptop and you’re out starting that new chapter in your life? My bet is, no, that didn’t happen. What did? Right now, how do you feel?
5 Horrible Secrets Grandmothers Chant To Themselves
if you really want to make something incredible happen, to transform your life, but you can’t seem to get started, or continue, if there is an awesome future you that is just a little stuck right now, you might want to consider coaching. There are a lot of good coaches out there; I happen to be one of them. I’d be happy to set up a free sample session with you. There really is no obligation, and I predict you will receive real benefit from one free session. There’s a contact form on the page. We can work in person or on the phone.
15 Shocking Pastry Making Tips From Lady Gaga
Here’s a bonus: Contact me, and I’ll give you the website where I randomly generated all the headlines in this article, and then we can get to work realizing your dreams.
Meanwhile,here’s Alanis Morisette covering that Cole Porter number: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEe61ciJvRs